This idea of split sleep can be used for reflection, deep thinking or amorous activity. Randall postulates that using the typical 8 hour block of sleep may go against our natural patterns. Instead, getting a nap or blocking sleep time into chunks may improve our creative processes and productivity. Using strategic napping to improve performance both mentally and physically may help decrease insomnia and prevent use of a sleep aid.
Some of us have no problem sleeping. Some of us need creative solutions geared to our unique needs, habits and disposition. Doctors of Chiropractic at Clear Point Wellness work to improve the quality of our clients sleep by reducing stored stress in the body and relaxing an excited nervous system as well as suggesting changes in habits to support restful sleeping.
The ACA has a good list of some general things you can do to support a more restful sleep . If you are having problems sleeping, get creative, make some changes, get help if you need it, and enjoy your rest.
In health,
Dr. Amanda